Tuesday, 28 May, 2019
(BFW) Italy PM Says Revision of ECB Mandate is Open Among Other
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2019-05-28 17:07:52.164 GMT
By Chiara Albanese and Marine Strauss
(Bloomberg) — Italy Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte says
that following the EU vote it’s time for his government to go
back to work and focus on the pact signed by coalition allies
Five Star and the League.
* Speaking in Brussels, Conte says the government hasn’t started
discussing next year’s budget
* Says priorities are growth, tourism and economy
* On top EU jobs, Conte says "we have good chances to get for
Italy the role it deserves"
* Says “there are many files open, including revision of the ECB
mandate, we will discuss that too”
* NOTE: Merkel and Macron Are Already in Disagreement Over Top
EU Job
To contact the reporters on this story:
Chiara Albanese in Rome at calbanese10@bloomberg.net;
Marine Strauss in Brussels at mstrauss30@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Chad Thomas at cthomas16@bloomberg.net
Richard Bravo